PUBLICATION OF THE AWARD OF CONTRACT - Construction of Dennery Polyclinic




Name of Project: Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project

Procurement of Works - Construction of Dennery Polyclinic


a)    Names of each Bidder who submitted a Bid

b)    Bid Prices as read out at Bid Opening

Name of each Bidder who submitted a Bid

Bid Prices as Read Out at Bid Opening XCD

Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd

$16, 389,561.38

Trayvis Eurl


Innotech Services Ltd


NH International Caribbean Ltd


Rego Construction Ltd


China Jiangsu Construction Group


Kee-Chanona Ltd




c)     Name and evaluated prices of each bid that was evaluated



Evaluated Bid Prices  - XCD

Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd




Trayvis Eurl


Innotech Services Ltd

XCD 16,941,925.77



NH International Caribbean Ltd

XCD 18,154,146.59



Kee-Chanona Ltd

XCD 19,399,276.81




d)    Names of bidders whose bids were either rejected as non responsive or not meeting the qualification criteria  or non evaluation


Reasons for Rejection of Bid

Rego Construction Ltd

Bidder did not meet the completeness requirement as per ITB 29.4 and ITB 11.(f)

China Jiangsu Construction Group

Was deemed ineligible.


e)    Name of the winning bidder, and final total contract price, as well as the duration and summary scope of the contract.


Name: Trayvis EURL.

Final Contract Price: XCD 13,742,982.07

Duration of Works: Eighteen (18) months


The works consist of:

  • Earthworks: Excavation and Filling.
  • Construction of one (1) two-storey and two (2) single storey buildings with a central concourse link and guard hut.
  • Asphaltic paved roads and car park areas.
  • Concrete walkways and storm water drainage works.
  • Sewerage distribution and waste water disposal works and treatment plant.
  • Electrical, Plumbing, Air-Condition, Communications and Fire Fighting Equipment Installations.
  • Fencing and Landscaping works.

The site is located at Bois Jolie, Dennery, Saint Lucia and is defined in drawings No:

  • Drawing No. SP-100 - Location Plan
  • Drawing No. SP-101 - Site Plan



Any Bidder who wishes to ascertain the grounds on which its bid was not selected, should request an explanation from the Project Coordination Unit at the address indicated below.  A response in writing shall be provided explaining why such bid was not selected.  If a bidder requests a debriefing meeting the bidder shall bear all the costs of attending such a debriefing meeting.

Attention:            The Project Coordinator

Project Coordination Unit

Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project

Department of Economic Development, Transport and Civil Aviation

2nd Floor, Finance Administrative Centre,

Point Seraphine,


Saint Lucia


Tel: 468 -5820



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